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100 points
176 solves

Last edit: Aug 26, 2024

Miku vs. Machine

Description: Time limit is 2 seconds for this challenge.

Official resources of challenge


The goal is to distribute the hours of n singers in m shows. Each show has a number of hours equal to l (unknown) and can only change singers once. We also want that each singer will have the same time on stage.


To solve this problem, I use a greedy strategy that iteratively divides the available singing time among the singers, ensuring that each singer fulfills their required hours.

T = int(input())

for _ in range(T):
    n, m = map(int, input().split(' '))
    l = n
    duration_for_singer = m
    singers = [duration_for_singer] * n
    for i in range(len(singers)):
        while singers[i] > 0:
            show = []
            if (singers[i] - l) >= 0:
                show.append((l//2, i+1))
                show.append((l - l//2, i+1))
                singers[i] -= l
            elif singers[i] < l:
                show.append((singers[i], i+1))
                show.append((l - singers[i], i+2))
                singers[i+1] -= l - singers[i]
                singers[i] = 0
            print(f"{show[0][0]} {show[0][1]} {show[1][0]} {show[1][1]}")

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Initialization
  • The first input T represents the number of test cases.
  • After some experimentation on pen and paper, I noticed that the minimum value of l is equal to the number of singers, so l is set to n.
  • I initialize a list singers of length n, where each element is set to m to represent the remaining singing hours for each singer.
  1. Time Distribution Logic
  • I iterate over each singer using a loop. For each singer i, the following steps are performed:
    • While Loop: Continue allocating time to the current singer as long as they have hours remaining (singers[i] > 0).
    • Time Allocation:
      • If the current singer has l or more hours remaining, divide l hours into two chunks:
        • The first chunk is l//2 hours, and the second chunk is l - l//2 hours. Both chunks are allocated to the same singer.
        • Subtract l from the singer’s remaining hours.
      • If the current singer has less than l hours remaining:
        • Allocate all remaining hours to the current singer.
        • Allocate the rest of l to the next singer in line (i+2).
        • Subtract the hours from the next singer’s total.
    • Output:
      • After each allocation, the result is stored in a list show and printed in the format {hours1} {singer1} {hours2} {singer2}.
  1. Output
  • The program prints the number l as the first line for each test case.
  • For each show, the specific distribution of hours between the singers is printed.

Example Execution


n = 4
m = 7


l = 4
singers = [7, 7, 7, 7]

  • i = 0

    • show = (hours:2 singer:1 , hours:2 singer:1)
      singers = [3, 7, 7, 7]

    • show = ( hours:3 singer:1 , hours:1 singer:2 )
      singers = [0, 6, 7, 7]

  • i = 1

    • show = ( hours:2 singer:2 , hours:2 singer:2 )
      singers = [0, 2, 7, 7]

    • show = ( hours:2 singer:2 , hours:2 singer:3 )
      singers = [0, 0, 5, 7]

  • i = 2

    • show = ( hours:2 singer:3 , hours:2 singer:3 )
      singers = [0, 0, 1, 7]

    • show = ( hours:1 singer:3 , hours:3 singer:4 )
      singers = [0, 0, 0, 4]

  • i = 3

    • show = ( hours:2 singer:4 , hours:2 singer:4 )
      singers = [0, 0, 0, 0]


2 1 2 1
3 1 1 2
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 3
2 3 2 3
1 3 3 4
2 4 2 4


I don’t consider this challenge difficult, it’s just a greedy algorithm (it takes a lot more to scare a LeetCode boy), but it wasn’t immediately clear that the output didn’t necessarily have to be the same as that shown in the challenge’s PDF , but it was enough to fit the constraints of the problem.

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Author: Tatore