Description: I am trying to authenticate but I totally forgot the password, I am screwed!!
SmallAuth was a crypto CTF from ## m0leCon 2025 Beginner CTF organized by pwnthem0le.
from secret import flag, password
import signal
from Crypto.Util.number import (
from hashlib import sha256
import os
p = 5270716116965698502689689671130781219142402682027195438035167686031865721400130496197382604002325978977917823871038888373085118354500422489134429970793096193438377786459821943518301475690713718745453633483219759953295608491564410082912515903134742148257215875373630412689071144760281744294536079770426517968527527493218935968663682019557492826204481612047410320146277333682801905360248457200458458982939490478875010628228329816347137904546340745621643293109290190631986349878770000332829974864263568375989597228583046155053640478805958492876860588535257030218304135983005840752161675722091031537527270835889607480661582626985375282908187505873350960702103509549729997875801557977556414403796543012974965425751833424162010931383924392626875437842811285456196644742198291857617009931030974156758885265756942730260677252867252555430773014258836269996233420470473918801854039549216620237517053340745984578639983387808534554731327
assert len(password) > 64
def timeout_handler(_1, _2):
raise TimeoutError
class AuthProtocol:
def __init__(self, password: bytes):
self.p = p
self.g = pow(bytes_to_long(password), 2, self.p)
def gen_pub_key(self):
self.a = getRandomRange(2, self.p)
self.A = pow(self.g, self.a, self.p)
return self.A
def gen_shared_key(self, B):
assert 1 < B < self.p
k = pow(B, self.a, self.p)
self.s = sha256(long_to_bytes(k)).digest()
return self.s
def confirm_key(self):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
challenge = input("Give me the challenge (hex): ").strip()
challenge = bytes.fromhex(challenge.strip())
(opad, ipad, challenge) = challenge[:16], challenge[16:32], challenge[32:]
if challenge == sha256(opad + sha256(ipad + self.s).digest()).digest():
pad = bytes([x^y for x, y in zip(ipad, opad)])
print("Response:", sha256(pad + self.s).hexdigest())
print("Mmm, cannot understand this challenge.")
except TimeoutError:
ipad = os.urandom(16)
opad = os.urandom(16)
print("\nI got bored waiting for your response.")
print("I will start then.")
f"Here is your challenge: {opad.hex()}{ipad.hex()}{sha256(opad + sha256(ipad + self.s).digest()).hexdigest()}"
response = input("Response? (hex): ")
response = bytes.fromhex(response.strip())
pad = bytes([x^y for x, y in zip(ipad, opad)])
if response == sha256(pad + self.s).digest():
return True
print("Nope sorry.")
except Exception as e:
print("Ops, error")
except Exception as e:
print("Ops, error")
return False
def main():
"Welcome! Please authenticate to get the flag. You should know the password, right?"
auth = AuthProtocol(password)
print("Here is my public key:", auth.gen_pub_key())
B = int(input("Give me your public key: "))
if auth.confirm_key():
print("Welcome!", flag)
if __name__ == "__main__":
The server simulates an authentication protocol: first it generates a secret shared key via a modified version of the Diffie-Hellman protocol where the generator isn’t public, then we have a 5 second window where we can interact with the verifier to check our sent challenges, finally it asks for a “challenge” which should be constructed from a sha256
hash involving the previously generated key.
Without the generator it seems impossible to generate the secret key but a faulty check in gen_shared_key
lets us generate it $50\%$ of the time:
def gen_shared_key(self, B):
assert 1 < B < self.p
k = pow(B, self.a, self.p)
self.s = sha256(long_to_bytes(k)).digest()
return self.s
The assert
wants to prevent values such as 0
and multiples of self.p
, but allows self.p - 1
, which once raised to the self.a
th power will be 1
, when self.a
is even, or self.p - 1
when self.a
is odd.
We can therefore just guess one of the two possibilities and retry until we’re right.
from pwn import *
from hashlib import sha256
from time import sleep
p = 5270716116965698502689689671130781219142402682027195438035167686031865721400130496197382604002325978977917823871038888373085118354500422489134429970793096193438377786459821943518301475690713718745453633483219759953295608491564410082912515903134742148257215875373630412689071144760281744294536079770426517968527527493218935968663682019557492826204481612047410320146277333682801905360248457200458458982939490478875010628228329816347137904546340745621643293109290190631986349878770000332829974864263568375989597228583046155053640478805958492876860588535257030218304135983005840752161675722091031537527270835889607480661582626985375282908187505873350960702103509549729997875801557977556414403796543012974965425751833424162010931383924392626875437842811285456196644742198291857617009931030974156758885265756942730260677252867252555430773014258836269996233420470473918801854039549216620237517053340745984578639983387808534554731327
def main():
r = remote('', 5102)
r.recvuntil(b': ')
A = int(r.recvline().rstrip().decode())
B = p - 1
r.sendlineafter(b': ', str(B).encode())
s = sha256(b'\1').digest()
r.recvuntil(b'challenge: ')
challenge = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().rstrip().decode())
opad = challenge[:16]
ipad = challenge[16:32]
chal = challenge[32:]
pad = bytes([x^y for x, y in zip(ipad, opad)])
resp = sha256(pad + s).hexdigest()
r.sendlineafter(b'): ', resp.encode())
resp = r.recvline()
if b'Nope' in resp:
print('flag:', resp.rstrip().decode().split(' ')[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
$ flag: ptm{y0u_4r3_a_j3d1_0f_pr0t0c0l5}
Author: vympel