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File patching
50 points
122 solves

Last edit: Sep 2, 2024


Description: Can you slither to the win?

Link to the binary: Elf file


We are faced with a binary file written in Rust (you can see it by simply running strings snake | grep rustc) where we are made to play Snake, the goal is to get PRECISELY to 16525 points.

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The solutions were actually different, some people used tools to analyze the memory of a process in real time, I preferred a ‘slower’ approach, or rather the first thing that came to mind, so I opened binary ninja despite the file being stripped and looked for a value for constant exactly 0xa (i.e. the value that was added every time it ate a #).

In a short time I managed to find this:

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After some trial and error, changing the value from 0xa to 0xb, I find the line of code I need, which is the last one in the screenshot above.

At this point I switch to the assembly and notice that my initial approach was wrong this is because I was putting too high a value in a register that it did not support in fact analysing the binary in assembly we see:

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As we can see, before entering the constant into the dword register [rcx+0x7c], we first enter it into eax and if we enter too high a value, the programme simply crashes (as it should).

So simply afterwards I chose to put the precise value in the correct register once I had made at least one point

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(the nop are automatically inserted by binary ninja)

In this way, once we have scored at least one point, we will have the flag

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$ flag: CSCTF{Y0u_b34T_My_Sl1th3r_G4m3!}

Author: akiidjk